It's been a long time coming. From earlier this year, when I learned to beat Jad in the Fight Caves, using Ancient Curses/Deflect Prayers... to the day I found out they nerfed the Ancient Curses method... to last week. Last week, I finally decided to get serious about Jad. I've beaten him in the past, have earned 2 baby Jads as pets, and it just doesn't feel right that I can't beat him any more.
I've wanted to mess with him for months, but there's always something else to work on. Those other goals kept getting in the way. But about a week ago, the mood descended upon me, and it was time to learn the Zen of Jad. Again.
For nearly a week, I tried different things, kept going back, got stomped on by Jad. Over and over. But that's okay now. Way back when, I learned how to beat Jad just because I wanted the Taskmaster emote, which required all the elite tasks to be accomplished. One of those requirements was to own a Fire Cape, which of course means I had to defeat Jad.
Basically, I didn't want to fight Jad, but had to in order to get another goal. So I really hated it. This time, my motivation was unclouded by hidden agendas. I just wanted to learn how to beat the Fight Cave.
Many players just sail through the cave, making it look easy. "Look, I beat Jad with a spoon!"... "Look, I beat Jad with 1 prayer point!"... tons of creative players showing off how good they are.
Not me. My combat skills are atrocious. I survive most fights because I've got maxed combat stats. If it requires real skill, I'm sunk. Nomad took me over a week to beat. Jad just seemed way beyond my abilities.
This time, though... it was different. I kept going back, persistently. Once or twice a day. Each time I'd try something different, learn a little more. Without realizing, I was actually practising. A lot.
Last night, I finally took him on, using the traditional ranged approach. It was a thing of beauty. I was in the zone. No panic, no fear, no mistakes. Once Jad and I squared off, every step went perfectly. For my first time ever, I ranged Jad to halfway, popped the each of the healers with a bolt, got them lined up, and finished Jad. Finishing him off with the Knockout Aura was just icing on the cake.
I know, probably not a big deal to most players. But for me, it's huge. Now I feel like I can beat Jad (nearly) every time I go.
I got good at Jad by accidentally practicing too much...How cool is that?
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